
The Ultimate Vertigo Protocol

By iamcheche
Written for people who suffer from nausea and vomiting, room spinning or fear of falling, this book presents a breakthrough discovery. In fact, you can get rid of dizziness, vertigo and any other balance problems in as little as 14 days applying the easiest and most effective natural healing method for 15 minutes per day, the authors say.

Dizziness and vertigo affects millions of people all over the world.  90 million Americans go to health care providers because of vertigo, dizziness or balance problems. It is the second most common complaint heard in doctor's offices, and will occur in 70% of the nation's population at sometime in their lives. An estimated 33% of all adults with chronic imbalance experience problems performing basic activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, and eating. Although adults are typically plagued with dizziness and vertigo disorders, children also experience dizziness and vertigo.  Children may be affected more than adults, and this prevents normal childhood activities that range from athletics to playground activities. The most common cause of childhood vertigo is benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood.

Will The Ultimate Vertigo Protocol really help you regain control over your balance?

Find out what The Ultimate Vertigo Protocol is and how it works in this review.

What is The Ultimate Vertigo Protocol?

Robert Mueck, one of the authors of the book, says that he suffered from severe episodes of vertigo for months three years ago. He gobbled lot of pills but he felt worse and doctors told him surgery was his last hope. Eventually, he got cured with the help of a former researcher at Interkosmos space program, whose pen name is Mr. Vertigo.

Together, they put on paper this step-by-step guide to fight off dizziness, vertigo and any other problems, without unleashing chemical warfare on your body. Today, Robert Mueck and Mr. Vertigo are selling their e-book online.

The e-book is titled “The Ultimate Vertigo Protocol” and is aimed to help all the people who suffer from nausea and vomiting, room spinning and fear of falling, and believe that various conditions affecting their inner ear are the cause.

How Does The Ultimate Vertigo Protocol Work?

The authors claims their therapeutic protocol is 100% natural, easy to apply and effective. It takes only 15 minutes a day to apply the method. Usually within 14 days, your dizzy spells, vertigo episodes or any other balance problems will completely disappear, claim the authors.

The Ultimate Vertigo Protocol builds its success on one concept: the root cause of these problems is not a condition affecting your inner ear. Instead, the authors claim that the true underlying, root cause of dizziness, vertigo and other balance problems is a drastically lowered level of a hormone in the body.

The optimal level of this hormone in your body can be restored only in a natural way.

What is Hormone D?

This hormone (known as D, its name coming from its role in dizziness healing) has an essential role in DNA normal repair.

You have heard about it a lot of times, but you don’t know it’s a hormone. You’ve been told that is an essential nutrient important for strong bones and it is. You’ve been told that it can boost your immune system, support muscle function, keep your heart healthy and aid in brain development and it does. But it is not a vitamin, it is a hormone.

Do you know the full definition of hormone? It is a product of living cells that circulates in body fluids or sap and produces a specific, often stimulatory effect on the activity of cells usually remote from its point of origin.

Its active form then supports muscle function, contributes to the strength of the bones and keeps your heart and brain healthy by helping the DNA normal repair processes.

In human cells, both normal metabolic activities such as oxidations from aerobic metabolism, and environmental factors such as radiation, cause DNA damage. This results in up to a million individual DNA lesions per cell per day.

This has serious health consequences, including dizziness, vertigo and balance troubles.
When there is a severe D-hormone deficiency in the body, normal repair processes of DNA fail and irreparable cellular damage may occur.

Without addressing the factor that has an essential role in DNA normal repair processes, health is elusive. The medications just plain don’t work. Medications are prescribed for 61 to 89 % of patients seen for dizziness in the primary care setting and the treatment appears to be beneficial only to a minority of patients.

Does The Ultimate Vertigo Protocol Really Help You Optimize The D Level In Your Body?

Food only cannot provide the entire „D” dose your body needs. Fact is that to obtain that full optimization from one method is beyond what any person can generally manage. Even the best-functioning of us have our own particular quirks and 'blind spots' that prevent us from getting 'the ultimate' from one single method alone, at least within an optimal time-scale.

Therefore the real way forward is NOT to depend on one or indeed two methods, but on a strategy, “The Ultimate Vertigo Protocol”, that uses a number of methods.

The authors are offering you a multi-faceted approach to treatment, utilizing the body’s own healing powers and select therapies, including nutrition, specific exercise, home remedies, guided imagery and other effective methods to enable you to achieve speedy and efficient self-healing from dizziness, vertigo and any other balance problems. This is a strategy that uses a number of methods, each of which is particularly efficient in addressing a particular aspect of your body’s capacity of optimizing the hormone D level, while boosting your immune system and improving your kidneys and liver functions.

It takes only a few minutes a day to apply this method. No supplements needed, or diet changes, and the exercises are so easy that anybody can do them in as little as 15 minutes a day.
The authors of this e-book do not consider their therapeutic protocol a miracle cure, although when you experience how easily you have become yourself again, without dizzy spells or sea legs you may be tempted to consider that a miracle has happened.

Buying The Ultimate Vertigo Protocol Online

There’s only one place to buy The Ultimate Vertigo Protocol, and that is at the official Ultimate Vertigo Protocol website.

You pay using a secure payment form. After making your payment, you download the e-book and receive immediate access to the e-book.

If you’re unsatisfied with The Ultimate Vertigo Protocol for any reason, you have two months to claim your refund. That gives you more than enough time to see if this program works for you.

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