Hate going solo on your next travel? Why not consider sharing a trip with a travel companion? While some things are better done alone, traveling is definitely not one of them. Having a companion during your travel gives you the peace of mind that in case something bad happens, somebody will surely help you. And of course, all pleasant and happy experience in a trip becomes all the more special if you share it with someone, that is, if you’re traveling with a good travel buddy. On the other hand, traveling with a rather unpleasant companion will definitely spoil the fun and may even test your patience. This is why choosing a good companion is very important in a truly unforgettable travel. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when selecting who will accompany your to your next trip.

1. Choose someone you know very well.

Make sure that you are quite familiar with any quirk that your companion may have. Why? If you don’t, you might end up sharing the hotel room with someone whose neurotic behavior will drive you nuts. You don’t want to deal with someone who spends three hours just for bathing and grooming or someone who is too repacking his or her things. Most especially, you don’t want who would rather argue with you all day about everything than enjoy the attraction you’re visiting.

2. Choose a companion who shares your interests.

It would be very difficult to travel with a person whose interests greatly differ from yours. You would be better off traveling on your own if that is the case. How can you enjoy hopping from one bar to another when your travel buddy is more interested in attending theater performances or concerts? It doesn’t mean, though, that you should be together all day. But it would help a lot for both of you if you have several common interests. You can, for example go separate ways during daytime and then meet for some drinks in a bar at night.

3. Put your potential companion to a road test.

This tip may prove to be useful if you are on the lookout for a long-term travel buddy. You can invite a friend or colleague over your home to a dinner or plan a weekend picnic in a great place within your area. Observe how comfortable you are with each other, particularly when you share a room or even bed. Also, take note of any habits that you could tolerate. If you can live with your companion’s smoking habit, then that should not be a problem when you go on a holiday trip together.

Traveling with a companion is a very good idea, especially if you are the type who easily feels lonely being alone and having no one to talk to throughout your trip. Finding the best travel companion is not difficult at all since you can choose anyone from your relatives, friends, and colleagues. If you think no one fits your criteria, then traveling solo might be better for you.

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