Healthy Eating Facts-Whats True And What Isnt

By iamche
"Facts are facts." How often have you heard that simple phrase? And, yet, it can be nearly impossible to separate healthy eating facts from healthy eating lies. That wouldn't really be a big deal if your health wasn't at stake. But it is. Therefore, it's worth knowing what's true about healthy eating, and what isn't.

The news is often filled with stories of the latest findings in the world of nutritional science. These stories may be interesting, but over time they tend to contradict one another. One week a certain food is healthy, and the next it shouldn't be eaten at all, and the week after that the same food is okay to eat. This can make it incredibly difficult for the average consumer to figure out what they should be eating.

Even though there is a never-ending stream of news about food, the truth is that healthy eating facts change very slowly, if they change at all. Always remember that the business of the news is sensationalism, not science. They don't deliberately try to mislead people, but they don't put things through rigorous scientific testing either.

You need a wide range of nutrients for your body to be healthy. There is a catch to all of this, though, and that is that you should get your nutrition from the food you eat, and not from taking a few vitamin tablets in the morning. A lot of people pretend that vitamin pills are a form of insurance, but the truth is they usually use taking vitamins as an excuse for a poor diet. They figure that they can eat a bunch of junk during the day, because their multi-vitamin is giving them all they need. Wrong! While there may be reasons for taking a multi-vitamin, there is no substitute for food that comes from nature.

It's especially difficult to sort out the truth about fat. There was a time, not all that long ago, that we were told that eating fat was making us fat. Food manufacturers were quick to respond with low-fat alternatives and the public went crazy for them. Look around today and you will see that people aren't getting any thinner. The reason is that they don't understand some basic healthy eating facts about fat, namely that there are several kinds of fat.

To keep things simple, remember that trans fats are bad, and should be avoided. Saturated fats aren't great, but you still need some, just don't overdo it. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are the best, and are actually good for you in some ways. Now, you shouldn't use that as an excuse to stuff your face with fat, but understanding the differences among fats will help you to stay healthy.

Eating well really isn't all that complicated. While there may be conflicting pieces of information floating around (and the internet hasn't made this problem any better), it's still true that sticking to a few healthy eating facts is the smart way to go.

I'm Egu. I'm just an ordinary blogger who finds a penny through blog to earn some income for my daily life.

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