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Organic skin care

By iamche →
“If it can be done naturally, why go for artificial means” - this is the basic premise on which ‘organic skin care’ works. Organic skin care is the most natural way of ‘skin care’. In fact, ‘organic skin care’ was probably the first one to be used by man when it first woke-up to the needs of his skin. ‘Organic skin care’ is not only friendlier to skin, but also inexpensive. If exercised in the right way, organic skin care can prevent the occurrence of a lot of skin disorders and can help keep your skin healthy and young-looking for a much longer time.

Organic fruits and vegetables are the most popular things on organic skin care routines e.g. cucumber is very common in organic skin care routines. Turmeric, apple, papaya, ginger are others that find a wide use in organic skin care routines. These organic materials have a very refreshing and vitalizing effect on your skin. Almost every skin care book/guide has section on organic skin care (including the actions of various fruits and vegetables on skin). So choose the ones that are more suitable for your skin type and start experimenting with them until you finally select the ones that are most suitable for inclusion in your organic skin care routine. It’s important that you use fresh organic fruits/vegetables. Don’t try to utilise the rotten ones for your skin, their only place is the garbage bin.

Milk is known to posses good cleansing properties; in fact, the name of some skin care products contains the word ‘milk’ in them. A combination of milk with ground oatmeal acts as wonderful cleanser.

Ground oatmeal is especially good for oily skins and is a popular ingredient in organic skin care regimen.  It is used in various combinations e.g. with egg, honey, milk and fruits, for preparation of organic facial packs.

Wheat germ is another ingredient in organic skin care procedures. It is rich in vitamin E and is known for its exfoliation as well as moisturising properties. Wheat germ, in various combinations with other organic materials, is used to prepare facial masks for normal and dry skin types. Wheat germ oil is another way in which wheat germ is used for organic skin care.

Yogurt and sour cream are other organic materials that are popular for their exfoliation and moisturising properties.

Use of organic honey is also popular in organic skin care procedures. It helps in retention of moisture and helps impart a glowing look to skin.

Rose water takes its place as a toner in organic skin care routines.  Lavender water is popular too.

‘Organic skin care’ uses combinations of various organic materials that complement each other and enhance each other’s effectiveness. Moreover, these combinations are also helpful in over-riding the harmful effects (if any) of various organic materials that form them.

Organic skin care is really an art that, once perfected, can give wonderful results in a very cost effective manner.

All About Cavities

By iamche →

Cavities can best be described as tooth decay.  As we all know, tooth decay is influenced by what we eat, how we take care of our teeth, and the amount of fluoride in our toothpastes.  If your family has a history of tooth disease or teeth problems, then you may inherit it that way.  This is very common, as many people inherit tooth problems that have been passed down from generation to generation.

Adults who suffer from a dry mouth are more at risk for cavities, as they have a lack of saliva in their mouth.  Dry mouth is very common, and is normally the result of medications, illness, and radiation treatment.  Tobacco users will also suffer from dry mouth, as the tobacco will use up the saliva in the mouth and leave the user with nothing to keep his or her mouth moist.

Cavities are a very serious situation, and if left untreated, can result in the destruction of the tooth.  This can also destroy the nerves as well, resulting in an abscess.  An abscess is very serious, as it infects the root tip.  If left untreated, an abscess can result in death.  Although you may not realize it, cavities are a very serious matter that can quickly spread to something even more serious.

If you visit your dentist on a regular basis, he will check for cavities.  Without visiting the dentist, it is impossible to tell whether or not you have a cavity.  Most cavities develop below the gums, and you won’t be able to see them.  If the cavity exists in the tooth, you will be able to see it, as it will change the color of the affected area.  If you notice a color change or a blackened area in your tooth, you should make an appointment with your dentist immediately.

What you eat is a big contributor to cavities.  If you eat a lot of sweets or drink a lot of soda, you will be at a higher risk for cavities.  Foods that are rich in sugar or starch are eaten by bacteria found in plaque, which will produce acids that eat through teeth.  This acid is very harmful to teeth, as it can eat through the dentin and enamel in no time at all.  If you don’t do something about it, the acid will continue to eat at the tooth until there is nothing left to say - leaving you no choice but to get the tooth extracted.

Over time, the tooth enamel will start to break down beneath the surface of your tooth, even though the surface will appear to be fine.  Once the acid has managed to eat away enough of the enamel below the surface, the surface will collapse, which results in a cavity.  After this has happened, if you don’t get it treated, the tooth will continue to be eaten and the cavity will continue to spread until all of the tooth has been eaten, after which the enamel will be gone and your root will be exposed - which can be very painful.

Cavities will more than likely develop in the pits of chewing areas around the back teeth, between your teeth, or near the gum line.  No matter where they occur, the easiest way to spot them is to visit your dentist.  Your dentist will be able to do x-rays and find out just how bad they are and tell you what options you have.  If you visit him in time, he will be able to save the tooth and stop the cavity before it spreads throughout your tooth.

Radio Controlled Jet Plans

By iamche →

Make your lifelong dream of scratch-building and flying a fighter jet come true! Stop looking for the perfect, most expensive RC jet, and build your own from scratch! The thing is when you scratch-build your own parkjets, you own and control everything. So if a part breaks down, you can simply repair it or rebuild it yourself instead of waiting for it for months if it’s out of stock or scouring the internet for days to find a proper substitute. Why spend endless hours looking for spare parts, when you can spend them enjoying your hobby? With RCPowers, scratch-building has never been easier! Simply buy our V4 Pro Pack and learn how to make your own Su-30 V4 Hovering Parkjet, Su-34 V4 Super Trainer, F-18 V4 Multirole Parkjet, and MiG-29 V4 Speedmaster! Build your own trustworthy fighter and go flying more often!

How to remove tattoos naturally

By iamche →

Did you know that your skin exfoliates on its own, without you doing anything?

It's true, in fact the layers of skin that you see are actually dead. That's why you can rub a fingernail against your skin and not even feel anything. But if you push deep or use the sharpened end of a pair of scissors – different story. You're going to feel it, and it's not going to be pleasant. In fact you may see some red. You didn't strike oil, but you did strike living skin cells.

Accelerated exfoliation gets to that layer. It does so by doing something the body normally doesn't do on its own -- it increases the rate at which living skin cells die and rise to the surface.

Now this may sound like a bad thing, but the other side to the exfoliation process is that young skin cells mature to take the place of the ones on the layer above them that much quicker as well. So there's no harm, and you get the added benefit of bringing up the deep subcutaneous skin layers that normally don't exfoliate at all.

These are exactly the layers that tattoo artists target as they embed ink. This is why tattoos hold for a long time even when the top layers of your skin do not.

You can see where this is going. To remove the tattoo, we then need to exfoliate deeper layers than normal. Here’s how: First we use various ingredients to enhance skin exfoliation. Then these deeper layers come to the top. The ink trapped alongside the deep layers comes up as well and wipes off with the brush of a towel.

Of course all of this is an abbreviated explanation and it's not going to happen that quickly, in fact it takes weeks. But when you compare that to the much slower “vaporize, scar, heal, and vaporize again” laser approach to ink removal, who in their right mind would choose laser?

Now you know why I say that the only people who choose laser removal either don't understand or have never heard about natural deep exfoliation. It's just plain a better method for tattoo removal.

Thankfully you don't have to make that mistake. If you don't already have a copy of the Laserless Tattoo Removal Guide, everything we talked about is in there, including the details on how to get it done with skin safe ingredients from your grocery store

Dangers of laser tattoo removal

By iamche →

Thought experiment: if somebody took away all your knowledge and told you to go with the most popular route – laser removal – would you do it?

Hmmm… thought experiments. They push you to think about your position in a whole new way.

Would I do a laser removal if it was the only thing I knew for getting ink off my skin? No I wouldn't. The risks are simply not worth the benefit.

And I don't care if I had my ex-girlfriend Maria's name tattooed across my chest in big block letters, and my current girlfriend was fuming about it. I’d explain my situation to her using exactly what I'm about to tell you right now:

Laser removal damages skin cells

When you go into a laser removal consultation, either the doctor or his assistant will tell you that the laser they use is highly precise and specifically calibrated to target ink pigment cells.

All of this is correct. But what you may not hear is that vaporizing ink pigment heats up the skin cells around the ink, and can cause the skin cells to suffer water loss and premature death.

Fresh, living skin below the surface where the ink lies, are killed as a result of laser tattoo removal. The only question is how many?

Too many living skin cells killed and there is a substantial risk of scarring. Each and every time you visit the laser clinic, you contend with this issue.

Which brings me to my second point: Since vaporizing sub surface ink is relatively hard on the skin, doctors have to spread out treatments over months and years before the level of fade is good enough to call the job finished. It's just more opportunity for the skin to get damaged each time.

Infection risk

What happens to your body when it's knocked out of its natural balance? Opportunists quickly take advantage. And that's exactly what happens after a laser session that leaves your skin cells weak and unable to protect themselves. Infections can, and do occur.

Scar formation

An overgrowth of scar tissue called Keloid scarring is one of the more unfortunate side effects of laser removal surgery. Not only does an unattractive scar appear over the skin, but it is usually raised and textured as well. Unfortunately these are not temporary scars either.

Laser removal is uneven

The effectiveness of ink removal lasers is dependent on the laser's ability to target the specific ink pigment that produces the tattoo's color. If you have a multicolored tattoo, this is bad news. It's very unlikely that a black, blue, and red tattoo will remove evenly.

Is the risk worth it?

Even if we make-believe that there are no natural tattoo removal methods, there's always the cover-up option. A coverup takes what you thought was a tattoo that couldn't be turned into anything else, and makes it something completely different. I've seen ex-girlfriend's and ex-boyfriend's names turned into unicorns, tribal symbols, you name it. It can be done.

So my answer again to the question "laser tattoo removal or nothing" is absolutely nothing (or the coverup instead).

Okay, now that we're back to reality, and natural methods do exist, the Laserless Tattoo Removal Guide will be of help to anyone who doesn't feel like spending months and thousands of dollars on an inherently more risky procedure than simple homebased exfoliation methods. Check out the guide here

Laser Tattoo Removal

By iamche →
Research has shown that nearly half of those between the ages of 18 and 40 have a tattoo or several tattoos.  The problem here is that a majority of those who have tattoos have later decided that they don’t want them anymore.  The biggest complaint to tattoos is dissatisfaction, which has led to a recent increase in tattoo removal.  It’s been proven in the past that women research their removal options more than men – due to the fact that men have less of a stigma when it comes to tattoos.

Often times, the ink that is used during tattoos can lead to infection, simply because the type of ink being used isn’t regulation for tattoo parlors.  Clean equipment is also essential with tattoo parlors; otherwise someone can end up with hepatitis B, C, and various other infections. There are many serious diseases and other sicknesses that can occur if a tattoo parlor doesn’t keep their materials and parlor clean.

In the event of infection or if someone just doesn’t like their tattoo, there are ways to get them removed.  Skin grafting and dermabrasion are good examples of tattoo removal, although the most popular and most common these days is laser removal.  Laser removal is the fastest and by far the most preferred.  With this surgery, the laser being used will zap the metal ions that are found in the pigment of the tattoo, fracturing the ink into very small pieces that the body can easily dispose of.

There are several great things about laser tattoo removal, although there are some bad things as well. In some cases, where infection is involved, the surgery will be a bit different.  First, you’ll need to get the infection out of the area before the tattoo can be removed.  Depending on how bad the infection is, you may end up staying in the hospital for a few days.  For this very reason – you should always make sure that the equipment is clean and sterile before you ever get a tattoo.

Laser tattoo removal can be very painful, depending on the area that you have the tattoo on. Almost all surgeons will use numbing ointment and local anesthetics before they do the removal, so you experience little to no pain.  Even though you may think that you have a high tolerance for pain and can deal with the treatment, you may still want to take any type of numbing that you can get.

Before you decide to get a tattoo removed with laser removal, you should always make sure that you choose a surgeon you can trust.  Lasers can be very dangerous, and there are always side effects and risks involved.  Although laser tattoo removal is certainly an option for getting rid of a tattoo – the best thing to do is think long and hard before you get one to begin with.

Popular Tattoo Designs

By iamche →
Tattoos are a common thing these days.  They are more popular than ever before.  Research has shown that nearly 1 in 4 people have at least one tattoo.  There are many designs to choose from, giving people a chance to be creative.  Below, we will take a look at some of the most popular tattoo designs.

Tribal tattoos are among the most popular designs.  They have been around for hundreds and hundreds of years and they are always evolving and becoming more and more complex with their designs and styles.  Tribal tattoos can either be the traditional black style that cover the arms and the legs or the more colorful styles that can cover every area of the body.  The colorful, more modern look is becoming more and more popular when compared to other styles.

The “old school” styles of tattoos are also popular.  Anchors and things like that are making a great comeback these days and not just with sailors.  These styles were very common and very popular back in the 60s.  They are rapidly gaining their popularity back, as females and males are getting anchors and swallow designs tattooed on them more and more.

Lower back tattoos are the most common for women.  The lower back is one of the most sexual and sensual areas on a women, making the ideal spot for a tattoo.  Tribal designs are the most popular, although flowers, dragons, and other symbols make great tattoos as well.  The lower back offers plenty of natural curves as well, which can make for an innovative tattoo.  Often times, women tend to include tribal that spreads, covering the base of their hips as well.

Dragon designs are another popular type style of tattoos.  They were popular in the past, and are now starting to get their popularity back.  There are a lot of different dragons to choose from, including the mythical dragon and ancient Chinese dragon.  Dragons are great on the chest for males and the back for females.  Dragon tattoos can be virtually any size, although most males tend to have them cover one side of their chest or the upper region of their arms.

Celtic tattoos are also popular as well.  They are mostly seen with those who have a Celtic heritage, although some with no Celtic heritage have them as well.  They offer a variety of symbols and designs, providing universal meanings for everyone.  Often times they are mixed with tribal tattoos to create a more innovative tattoo.

There are several other types of tattoos out there, although the above are the most common.  Tattoos can be very creative and innovative; it all depends on what you want.  If you’re looking to stand out and be truly creative – you can always have a professional tattoo artist design one for you.